Why to install Solar Plant in Monsoon season?
Looking to install a solar plant in the rainy or monsoon season and feel that this might be a bad idea ? Don’t drop the bright idea yet just cause of the rains, read on to learn the detailed advantages along with disadvantages of installing solar during rains.
Solar plant is always installed with a lighting arrestor with chemical earthing, so lighting strikes are not able to harm the electricals of the solar plant.

Advantages of installing solar ongrid plant during monsoon season:
Generation output:
A common misconception is that Solar PV plants or solar rooftop plants do not perform optimally during the monsoon season. Well, it is not as linear or simple as it sounds. In some cases, rooftop solar plants perform better in the monsoons than in the summer season! Important thing is, rooftop solar plants absorb the light energy from our sun, and even during the monsoon season that energy is sufficiently available. The most important factor that hampers solar power generation is the dust collected on the solar panels. During monsoon season, the rainwater helps keep solar panels clean which in return have the ability to generate more power than it does during summer season in case the panels are not clean!
Read more about increased generation in Solar plants during monsoon here.
Timelines: When installing a solar plant, the major part of the initial stage is getting approvals from the local DISCOM. This process takes about 15-20 days to complete during which the components such as solar panels and inverter can be procured and kept ready when the time to install them comes. Since you have 15-20 days in hand to be ready, you have sufficient time to plan the installation of the solar plant during gaps in the rains. Once the plant is installed, let the rain pour it’s heart out, you will be enjoying warm air from the heater, powered by the sun!
When you consider the whole process as first technical approval, installation then meter change: installing the solar plant in monsoon takes the same amount of time as in any other season.
Curing Process:
The foundation of the solar plant is generally made up of concrete. Casting the foundation during gap in rain and then rain, in-fact helps the curing process of the foundation to give it more strength. This is done artificially during other seasons as hardening of concrete is a exothermic process, but continuous rains can in-fact give your foundation more strength than artificially cured one.
It is thus important to know that starting the solar plant installation process during the rainy season is similar to that of any other season, in-fact can be a little shorter due to lower load on the local DISCOM of less solar applications.
Disadvantages of installing the solar plant in rainy season are leakages due to rain and risky installation process. These both factors can be taken care of by the solar plant installer, by using anchoring chemical rightly, covering the foundation part of the roof till concrete is poured and hardened. Though it is important to know that it is your right to say no or delay installation of the solar plant during rains if you deem right.
If you want to be the part of BigWit solar rooftop family, you can give us a call on 7082955224 or send us a mail on sales@bigwitenergy.com. BigWit Energy is one of the best solar companies in Chandigarh, Mohali, Punjab, Panchkula and all of North India and we offer EMI plans of upto 3 years for our customers too pan India!
Alternatively you can schedule a callback from us at your preferred time over here.